Monday, September 29, 2014

September Essay Prompt 2

Memory is a strange thing. You can remember all of an event, or your brain will only cough up snippets. For instance, all I remember from kindergarten is an incident where I got kicked in the face. I don’t remember any sound, or what happened after it. All I remember is seeing a foot contact my jaw.

However, Schaefer’s memory is a little different. He recalls sounds: “The ubiquitous cackling of geese, or the swoosh and bang of a screen door.” (Schaefer 48) These sounds not only represent his childhood, they define it. The sounds clearly mean a lot to him, and bring up happy memories.

When I think of childhood-defining auditory memories, the first thing that comes to mind would definitely be the soundtrack to The Lion King. I listened to that so many times when I was little that hearing it now gives me pangs of nostalgia. It’s like a key to my past, like the sounds of a farm to Murray Schaefer.

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